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    Charged With A Crime?

    Sep 22

    I am often asked as a Colorado Domestic Violence Lawyer – ” what if I refuse to come to trial and testify?” Ethically – ALL lawyers know they MUST urge their clients and ALL witnesses to obey court orders and testify – even when they do not want to ..this is because the criminal justice system would collapse if witnesses could pick and choose when they will obey a Court Order of any kind. Trials are … Read The Rest

    May 27

    Introduction – One of the reasons more domestic violence cases should go to trial is to have a “crack: at the lying victim…the victim who, motivated by an intent to harm the accused, tells multiple versions of her “story.”  There has never been a more critical use of the tool of cross examination than exposing the fraudulent “victim” at trial! Here is the Story False Allegations in California Case Illustrate Danger of Domestic Violence Laws On the heels … Read The Rest

    May 19

    In one of the most tragic results of a Florida Stand Your Ground defense case, a young woman has been sentenced to 20 years in prison. After the Trayvon Martin case, Florida’s Stand Your Ground law has received close scrutiny by the media. In this case, Marissa Alexander received a 20-year sentence for firing a shot in what she claims was self-defense. This case is the “perfect storm” for the intersection of THREE huge criminal … Read The Rest

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